In episode 4 of Paddock Focus, we will show you how we edit and retouch images in Photoshop and Lightroom, taking an image step by step from an unedited RAW or JPEG file straight from the camera to a fully "retouched" image ready to be sent to a client. Drew will run through his process in Camera Raw + Photoshop, and Jamey will show you how he processes his images in Lightroom.

There is no need to have the exact software we use as we will cover the theory behind why we choose to edit how we do as well as the practical process of retouching an image. We'll take you through step by step the adjustments we make to an image as well as answering questions you might have regarding your own editing.

*We will not cover our workflow and selecting which images we choose to edit, as that was the topic of our previous episode (3), however we will cover it VERY briefly as it pertains to how editing fits into our workflow. *

What will be covered in this episode :

  • Editing software we use
  • How we adjust an image for the best colour, contrast and saturation
  • Using local adjustments
  • Removing sensor dirt
  • Using layers in Photoshop
  • Techniques used to edit an image at an event or race to make them ready for our clients
  • Exporting for social media
  • Finding your own editing style
  • Q&A from audience re: editing

This episode was streamed live on Friday 12th August 2022 and is available to watch now!